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2 juin 2011 4 02 /06 /juin /2011 07:53


Le projet Comenius suit son cours. Tout le groupe, à la demande des correspondants allemands, a préparé des videos de quelques minutes sur le thème du sport et de la santé. Ces vidéos seront présentées à Tamm, lors des 2e rencontres du 2 au 8 juin.

Les élèves représentant la délégation française ne manqueront pas publier un compte rendu des activités :)


Tschuss !

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21 avril 2011 4 21 /04 /avril /2011 17:27

Nos correspondants italiens publient, en fichier pdf, un compte rendu illustré de photos, des rencontres à St Pol.

C'est ici : link

cherchez "progetto comenius,meeting in France" of course !

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21 avril 2011 4 21 /04 /avril /2011 17:21

Les correspondantes lituaniennes ont publié leur compte-rendu des recontres à St Pol, avec une photo originale.

C'est ici : link


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28 février 2011 1 28 /02 /février /2011 16:14

Our day sailing with the pen-friends




It was in the afternoon, just after lunch. We left the Kreisker around 2pm to go to the nautical center. When we arrived, the sailing instructor explained us the rules how to manage the catamaran but he didn’t speak English so it was quite funny. After he organised  groups of three or four people. He was careful to mix (one German, one Lithuanian, one French and one Spanish or Italian…) and he  placed one person who had experience in catamaran at least. Some of us had never sailed before so we helped each other. It wasn’t enough windy but very sunny. At the end of the “lesson” the instructor proposed us to do a sailing race to come back to the nautical center. To win the race, we were obliged to arrive on the shore and tidy the equipment of our boat and ascend our boat. It was a really beautiful afternoon which will remain in our memories.


                                                                                                        Hélène and Chloe

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28 février 2011 1 28 /02 /février /2011 16:07

Wednesday night fever




On wednesday evening, we shared a Comenius’diner. We  discovered a lot of new dances and different foods.

It was a very good moment, as we  laughted, danced and spoke with all the penfriends

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28 février 2011 1 28 /02 /février /2011 15:34


Wednesday's activities




We left the school at 10 o’clock. We took the bus with all the penfriends and made mixed groups. We went to Roscoff. Then, we all followed a guide who showed to our penfriends the Roscoff port. We went for a walk in the old town. We met a welcoming woman who invited us into her old and typical Breton house. It was very interesting.


We had a few minutes free to eat our lunch box with our penfriends.


We visited the thalasso after eating. The guide showed us all the rooms where people can have a massage. We visited the swimming-pools too. We spent one hour and a half in the thalasso.



Then, we went to the CNRS and had a little presentation of the place.

The Roscoff biological station is a center of research and education in experimental marine biology and in oceanology. We had the chance to meet professeur Robert Belle for a conference about health and seafood.


We went back school at 16.30 and kept a great memory of this day.


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28 février 2011 1 28 /02 /février /2011 15:28

The marvellous world of seaweeds




One of the particularity of our region is to know a big amplitude between the highest level and the lowest level of the sea (between 0 and 9,50 meters). That's one of the reasons why Roscoff's region is famous for seaweeds. We can find around 40 000 different species.

Seaweeds are plants which live in the sea, without roots and flowers. But they produce between 50 and 70% of oxygene. We can find 4 big sorts of seaweeds  :

-        Blue seaweeds

-        Green seaweeds

-        Red seaweeds

-        Brown seaweeds




Their size can vary from some micrometers to several meters and their forms are very different..


We can use it for :

-drinking ( tea )

-food ( sauce )

-cosmetic products ( bath, face cream... )


And now, we have discovered a new use of seaweed, in  medicine !


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28 février 2011 1 28 /02 /février /2011 15:04


Good and bad for health



We  spent some time together on Thursday morning for an international workgroup.

Working in mixed group, we created posters about health : What is good or what is bad for health ?


For example, vegetables, fruits and sport are good for health. On the contrary, smoking

, eating too much fat, too much salt, or too much sugar is bad for our body. Each group

 presented their poster to the other people (pupils and teachers). We gave our opinions

about the posters and the speeches.


The teachers explained us the consequences of drinks alcohol and drugs on our health.

Otherwise, for example, we learned that there is more sugar in a Coca than in an Ice Tea.

Nowadays, the teenagers consume much more alcohol and drugsthan they did one century ago.

An another point was that moderate sport is goodfor muscles, blood circulation and breath, but

too much sport could bedangerous for our body. We also talked about sleep : we should sleep between

7h and 9h per night to have enough energic for the next day.  

This activity was very joyful and productive and the atmosphere at work was very good. We are looking forward

to spending time  with our correspondents and the teachers again.



                have a look on our posters !












































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28 février 2011 1 28 /02 /février /2011 14:41


The first meeting


IMGP3406.JPGComenius familly before the meeting in the Townhall


With all partners we went to Saint Ursule Theater room for the presentation of all the nations (France, Lithuania, Spain, Germany, and Italy).

We started the presentation and a lot of people spoke, about Brittany, the environment, seaweeds.

After the Spanish group present their school and their environment. It was interesting.

The Lithuanian partners started their presentation with a typical song because their school is a music school. After they showed us a slide show about their school.

The Italians continued with a slide show about their town and their traditions.

Then the German group presented a film about their journey and the environment in their school. The film was amazing because we saw it as a professional film but it was a student who had created it.


 It’s very interesting to participate in the Comenius project.

The Italians and the Spanish partners think we have a very long day of school.

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11 janvier 2011 2 11 /01 /janvier /2011 10:35

  Description about activities on the meeting in St Pol de Leon 



logo lyceeST POL DE LEON


October 18th /October 22th


              Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, France



18 foreign students and nine teachers take part in the project.

18 French students (+2) and 2/3 French teachers


Tuesday, October 19

   Wednesday, October 20

Thursday, October 21

9.0        Meeting of all the delegations at “La salle des Minimes.”

Welcoming speech by 

 M. François Boulic, headmaster.

Power point presentation by each delegation



 11.30 Reception in St Pol de Léon town hall.


8.20 – 10.00 Group work

                     in the LYCEE.

Report on Thalado   

Multilingual glossary : SEA and HEALTH


10.15 Departure for Roscoff by bus



9.00- 12.00 Group Work in the LYCEE :

Report on Thalasso and CNRS , Wednesday’s visits Multilingual glossary


Meeting assessment.

Lunch at school 

Packed lunch in Roscoff

Lunch at school.

13h45 Departure  for  Roscoff by bus




14.30 – 16.00 Thalado

Talk on ‘Seaweed and our Health. English spoken.

23 students (4 French penfriends) + 11 adults = 33 people.



Back to St POL at 16.30

12.30 – 13.30 Centre of Thalassotherapy (Spa centre) 20 students (2 F) + 10 adults = 30 pers.


14.00 – 15.30 Station biologique : Research and training centre in marine biology … jointly operated by the CNRS and the University Pierre et Marie Curie


Talk and visit

Back to ST Pol at 16.30

13.00 Walk from the school to the Nautical Centre in St Pol de Léon.



14.00 – 17.00 kayaking or sailing activities *


23 students  (4 F) + 11 adults


Evenings with their family hosts.

Teachers’s meeting and dinner

19.00   COMENIUS dinner at school

Evening with their family hosts.

Dinner and final assessment .


* Bring a pair of shorts to be worn on top of the body suit, a swimming costume, old shoes and a Kway or any windbreaker jacket.


Friday, october 22th the Lithuanians are to be looked after, just as the Italians on Monday.




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